Join Eran and learn some fascinating skills:

Untitled-2How to remember names and faces using the Napoleon method, the JFK technique and the Angel’s face system.  

Untitled-2How the remarkable system of Gematria boosts the ability to recall dates, events, financial data and long digit numbers!  

Untitled-2The ‘Modena files’ amusing cue system to remember lectures, articles, facts and jokes and more!

Untitled-2Accelerated language boosting – learn vocabulary, concepts and languages quickly.

Untitled-2The Ted factor – how to stand in front of an audience and remember everything you want to say without anxiety.

Mariano. A. Davis, CEO, Oxford School of Languages 
“Eran is a magician, spreading his practical magic. Attending his workshops makes you become optimistic and inspired“

And there are more gifts:

“Your seminar was a wonderful combination of entertainment and valuable efficient methods”
Bill Schultz, CEO, Coca-Cola Co., South Pacific Asia

Eran Katz is a best selling author, entertaining speaker and memory trainer.

About 200,000 executives and students around the world have attended one of the 2000 entertaining lectures and seminars he has delivered.

Eran has written several books on memory which have been translated into 15 languages and sold more than 500,000 copies. His books "Where did Noah Park the Ark", "Five Gifts for the Mind' and "Jerome Becomes a Genius" were best sellers in several countries. 

Eran  is a popular guest on T.V. and Radio shows and has delivered his lectures to hundreds of leading multinational companies, organizations and universities.
Among them are: The Singapore government, Coca Cola, Google, ebay, Microsoft, Bangkok Bank, Samsung, Verint Hong Kong, Chulalongkorn University, Bangkok, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Kellogs lMBA program, Peking University, Beijing, International school of Mumbai Japan opensense workshops, UN Brain Education Conference, The World Science Forum (Seoul),

“Eran's lecture was captivating. His positive messages and methods can help anyone who wishes to reach high levels of Success”

Prof. Dan Ariely. Duke University. Best selling author of "Predictably Irrational"

When and where is the meeting?

HONG KONG – SUNDAY NOV.29, 2015, 4:30PM – 6:00PM

Location in Wan Chai will be determined and announced
The meeting will be conducted in English!

How much does it cost?

95$HK only